The positioning of the tables that make up this page scheme and interface are critical. When you overtype this text with your own, do not add more text to THIS table than planned. The inner dimensions of *this* text table are 393 pixels wide by 458 pixels high, and should not be altered or else this look will not be maintained.
More text can be placed in the other tables (sample below), so this is a place to introduce the page and the content.
Don't forget to add your own text to the sky title area, to the basket (page title) and to the special secret mouseover (left of where the three sea stars are).

HTML text colors for the eminently tasteful:

  • Normal Text - #296176
  • Links - #D91476
  • Visited Links - #AB0C4F
  • Active Links (alink) - #F8EDE8

Remember the Golden Rule of Graphics Mining, and refer back to http://moyra.com/jewels on every page that displays this interface via this tiny logolet. Also, if you sell *anything* through your web site or profit financially from my artwork in any way, you must obtain a license for it.


So as not to constrain anyone to placing all the page's content in the smallish towel area above, I created this simple scheme.

This is just a table, 583 pixels wide, with a top piece that is 57 high and a bottom piece that is 39 high, composited as a normal html table in 3 rows.

You can put as much text and even images as you want to in here, since this towel extends vertically as far as you could possibly want it, and the title of the subarea can be placed in the top row of the table.

Need help with tables? Try TABLEMAKER !


Graphics, javascripting and layout copyright © 1999, Moyra/MysticPC.